Spacious Body Scan Audio Meditation + Benefits

I created this short and simple audio recording a few months back when I was in Sean Fargo's teacher training program. 

This meditation practice is called the Spacious Body Scan and it is a short and wonderful practice for those who need to get connected with their bodies and release tension and stress. 

I highly encourage you to do the Spacious Body Scan practice over the course of the week and if possible to carry out the practice on the same times each day. 

Consistency is key to practice and the more you do this particular meditation, the more you will benefit from it.

 Some Recommendations + Suggestions Before You Begin

  • Find a comfortable and warm room where you won't be disturbed.
  •  Get a pillow and blanket so that your head is supported and that you stay warm during the meditation.
  •  If you need extra support for your back, lie down on a yoga mat or roll a pillow underneath your knees to support your low back. Alternatively, you can always bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor if that is more supportive for you.
  • Remember that this is all about you and it is important to ask yourself the question, "What do I need right now?" 
  • During practice, if you find yourself falling asleep which I have experienced many times over, it is absolutely OK! Please don't berate yourself that you fell asleep, your body probably needed it.

 Benefits of Body Scan Meditation

  • Activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for: rest and digest as well as releasing hormones that aid in calming and relaxing the body. 
  •  Teaches you to be mindful and aware of bodily sensations. I think this is paramount since a lot of us are usually in our own heads, completely unaware of what our bodies are experiencing from moment-to-moment.
  •  *It can strengthen and sensitize the insula, a part of the brain that is responsible for interoception i.e being aware of the body's internal state (Hanson, 2019, p.11 & 43)
     *Hardwiring Happiness, Rick Hanson Ph.D 2013*

I hope you enjoy this short audio recording. I highly recommend you journal after each session, focusing on what you noticed, how you felt and how you are feeling now. 

Till next time!


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