Cloud Watching Mindfulness Meditation

I love watching clouds take shape. I love how sometimes I can see faces + animals when I'm cloud watching.

I also love that it is a non-traditional way of practicing mindfulness.

This is an excellent informal practice you can do when you are in your car *parked of course!*, sitting on a park bench or drinking your coffee/tea while near a window.

I highly recommend doing this practice when you see different shapes of clouds. A dreary rainy day will not do unfortunately since the whole sky will be grey.

OK so here are the steps + let me know how you like this informal practice!

-Find a comfortable position that works for your body. If you are in your car, park your car first + get comfortable. Adjust your sitting position until you feel comfortable enough to sit still.

-Take a couple of breaths in + out through the nose to settle yourself in. If you find that you can't relax, do this portion of the practice for a lot longer until you feel settled.

-And now look at the clouds. Do you notice how white, puffy they are? Do you see them moving very slowly + change shape in front of you? What else do you notice?

-If thoughts arise, which they will, just remind yourself compassionately that it is normal for thoughts to come up. 

-Continue to observe the clouds for as long as you like.

-To end the practice, start to notice your environment. Notice your posture + then take a few deep breaths in + long exhales out. Continue to do this until you feel ready to end your practice.

So that's that folks! I hope you have the time to try this informal mindfulness practice + please let me know what your experience was like.

Till Next Time!



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