Taking A Break Is OK

 When I started meditating a few years back, I was pretty diligent + dare I say strict on myself when it came to practice.

In the last year + a half, around the same time Covid hit worldwide, my practice became sporadic. 

I wasn't getting up first thing to meditate + some days I just couldn't do it.  The perfectionist in me saw this as a failure but the truth is, it isn't.

I am letting you know right now that it is OK to take breaks from your meditation + mindfulness practice. It is OK that you forget for a few days or you just don't want to. 

I'm learning that when that happens, I need to be self-compassionate with myself + remind myself that I can begin again when I feel ready emotionally + mentally to take a seat + meditate.

There is a lot going on right now + if sitting to meditate stresses you out more, then take a break from it. Give yourself permission to just be OK that you didn't meditate.

And maybe do something else that you think might suit you better. For me, when I don't meditate, I paint. Or I dance to lift my mood + remind myself that I can access some happiness just dancing to a silly dance tutorial on YouTube. Regardless of what it is, meditation doesn't have to be your 'end all or be all' for self-care. 

So these are the things I'm learning lately.

What have you been doing + learning lately when it comes to your own self-care practice? Whether that be exercise, meditation, taking nice luxurious bubble baths, whatever...what have you learned lately that has opened your eyes a little more? What have you given yourself permission to do or not do?



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