Things Change + That's OK
My meditation practice shifted shortly after getting recalled back when Covid began. Let me backtrack here for intents and purposes. I started to hear the news about this mysterious disease in China in January 2019. Then in February of that same year, my ex co-workers and I (I don't have that job anymore because it had closed down permanently) were all wondering when the building would temporarily close due to the rise of cases in BC. Then March came + we got our notice to stay home. At first we were told that it would be two weeks which I thought was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I knew deep down I'd be at home for much longer than that. So when I stayed home like so many people to curtail the rise of cases, I was still meditating + journalling regularly. But something shifted in my life by June 2019 when I got recalled to work at that company that I was working in at the time. I was always stressed + scared about the unknowns. Surprisingly not when I was at work. T...